Student Work So Brilliant It Wins Professional Awards

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The international ANDYs only give a Reset Award when an entry “moves the industry forward.” Two art directors from Miami Ad School Madrid are the first students ever to earn this honor.

Taking home “metal” —industry-speak for award show trophies—from any competition is always a reason to raise a glass and celebrate. But it’s not often that you can say some of your work was so inspirational that it changed the way a carefully curated group of world-class professionals looked at their own industry.

Two Miami Ad School Madrid students pulled that off.

Art direction students Elena Hernandez and Rodrigo Dominguez approached a serious social issue—domestic violence—and brought it together with the Apple iPhone to develop Stop-It. Stop it uses an existing feature of the iPhone, the hands-free “Hey Siri” capability, repurpose-ing it to let victims use their iPhones to record an any episode of abuse by saying, “stop it” followed by the perpetrator’s name.

Despite being entered in the student category, the judges took the extraordinary step of recognizing Stop-It as a RESET winner—a professional category—in addition to the Gold ANDY it had already won. Stop-It takes the most popular product in its category and turns it into a tool that could potentially help end the silent suffering of untold millions.

Not bad for a couple of art directors still in school, huh?

Stop it uses an existing feature of the iPhone, the hands-free “Hey Siri” capability, repurpose-ing it to let victims use their iPhones to record an any episode of abuse by saying, “stop it” followed by the perpetrator’s name.

Gold ANDY and RESET winners (l to r) Elena Hernandez and Rodrigo Dominguez with FCB Global Chief Creative Officer Susan Credle.
Photo by Margarita Corporan.

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