Social Media Mentor Spotlight: Four Social Experts You’ll Learn From in San Francisco
Everybody’s getting ready for the start of Miami Ad School San Francisco’s Boot Camp for Social Media on January 3rd. Here are some of the experts who’ll help take you to the next level
Students like you are getting ready to put their social media careers in warp speed. Miami Ad School San Francisco’s Boot Camp for Social Media starts January 3rd. Be sure to apply before November 28th to take that social career of yours to the next level.
Related Post: 12 Weeks in San Francisco To Change Your Social Media Destiny
Jesse Morrow • Designer @ Facebook
LISTEN, ANALYZE STRATEGIZE: The Art Science of Ideas in Social Media
In a world where only the truly creative and innovative get noticed, social media efforts need to combine the strength of creative visual branding with the power of analytics. You’ll go beyond the selfie and even the hashtag to craft ideas that engage. It’s not enough to just post on a schedule; you must build your brand’s “social footprint.” You must test content, pay attention to feedback and learn which key performance indicators to use in measuring campaign effectiveness.
Nancy Jeng • Creative Strategist @ Pinterest
With the mainstreaming of smart phones and tablets, social brand experiences are not limited to sitting in front of a computer. (Not that they ever really were.) Mobile interaction with brands is today’s “normal” and brings new opportunities through incentives or gamification—check-ins, photo sharing and augmented reality, for example. You’ll discuss various brand platforms and how to extend the brand experience through multiple screens and a variety of contexts.
Anjali Madison • Associate Strategist @ R/GA
If behavior is the driving engine of social media, influence is the fuel. Our ability to behave and feel like others is human nature; social media just amplifies it. What role does credibility play? How about trust and reach? You’ll learn to identify what builds influence and how to use it in your strategies.
Geoff Gates • Senior Social Media Strategist @ HEAT
Define the goals of the campaign, listen to what the competition is doing, write the key metrics, identify your audience, select the channels, pick the platforms, create an editorial calendar. Launch, optimize and be social.
Jesse, Nancy, Anjali and Geoff are just a few of the social media mentors you’ll connect with during the social media boot camp. You will learn the skills you need to take the next big step in your social media career, and also develop the contacts that will make your big move possible. Miami Ad School keeps grads connected with job leads for life, because your next step is just your first step.