Brooklyn’s Creativity Comes Alive At Miami Ad School New York
In collaboration with Brooklyn-based street wear brand Entree Lifestyle, the students and teachers of Miami Ad School New York created a massive tribute to late rapper and iconic Brooklyn cultural figure Notorious B.I.G. They used a layering “remixed” media style consisting of photographic and graffiti elements in addition to physical elements like actual sand from the Brooklyn Bridge park and authentic NYC taxi decals in the composition of the piece.
It was a collaborative effort that evolved over time and so many creators made it happen. The project was led by instructor Michael Chatfield and Account Planning Boot Camp grad Fung Cheung with the help of street artists Arvin Jassir, Mark Takahashi, and Chuck Gee. Over 100 Miami Ad School students touched the project in some way.
“What I enjoyed about the project was that everyone got physically involved in the process” said Enrique Maitland, a Creative Director and instructor at Miami Ad School New York, and the creative force behind the video piece below. “The creative development process doesn’t start from sitting behind a computer. It starts from the basics… a sketch… an idea… a concept.”
Enrique is inspired by seeing people go beyond the computer to address creativity. He maintains that creative people must have an understanding of how things were put together before technology, such as Photoshop, made creativity so accessible. Check out the video below to see the production of the piece. You can see the final product in the main gallery of Miami Ad School New York as a proud symbol of creativity, collaboration and culture.